Monday 2 November 2009

Looking for ...

something very specific I saw in a Dutch mag : a squirrel bake mold !
Yep, got this into my head and I'm searching town and country (and the internet) to find me this cute number !
Pretty soon there will be Christmas-markets to visit and the ladies from the Parents for Moral association are doing this every year too and I want them to have some of my DIY-stuff (take advantage of me ladies, now that I'm in this crea-mood) to sell !
But this mold is very difficult to find so I'm using my overseas connections here !!
Anyone can help me out ?
Also take a look at these very cute numbers to stir up your baking-skills !!


Jack Daniel said...

Unfortunately I can't help you with this.....

Thanks for making me have the munchies!!

diane said...

Yeah, I'm with J.D., I can't help either. Seriously love that unicorn mold. I hope you can locate the one that you're looking for. Now let's see, where is my candy?

Dutch Sugar Babe said...

A squirrel bake mold? I have know idea. Didn't the magazine have some info about where to buy the mold? I hope you find it!