Saturday 14 November 2009

beste Belgian song of the past 10 years and my new hero(ïcs)

When you open my blog you will hear and see Absynthe Minded on your right...
People could vote for the best Belgian song of the last decade and very surprising, not dEUS but Absynthe Minded won !
Well, when I hear that song - I must say - the listeners and people who voted the Studio Brussels poll, have made a very good choice...
Absynthe Minded has currently a very good new song Envoi ; the lyrics are based upon a poem written by the great and late Hugo Claus...
and now for some shallownes : girls all over Antwerp must be waiting in line at the Hennes store. I read there's some policy and bracelets that allow you to buy only 1 pice at a time and for some resctricted time too....What's this ?
Has the iron curtain re-appeared again ? Or the Berlin wall ??
No way I'm gettin' in line for shome Choos !
I bought some penny loafers instead at COS.
No line up - a very friendly sales assistant who helped me out with the sizes and advice.
Alexa Chung was my inspiration and hey, I feel like I'm 16 again ! I used to wear those in highschool...
and ahum, Mr Condescending...if my skirt was any shorter...I could get arrested for immodest behaviour (LOL)


diane said...

I wonder why the policy on clothes is so restrictive? It's a little scary. You were right to take your business elsewhere. If more people stop shopping there, the store will have to go back to business as usual.

Anonymous said...

Nice music! At least the Belgians sing in English. The French music is so lame right now.

Is that you in the picture? And if Mr. C. says anything sexist, we'll go and beat him up!

Unknown said...

i am in love with alexa chung!!! check out my blog if you have the time